Land Near Long Stratton

These are the registered parcels of common land near Long Stratton.

Name Parish District County Description
Common Land Long Stratton South Norfolk Norfolk Located at Rhees Green, 1 km east of Long Stratton.
Common Land Long Stratton South Norfolk Norfolk Located at Wood Green, 1.5 km SE of Long Stratton.
Common Land Long Stratton South Norfolk Norfolk Area of woodland, located 2 km SE of Long Stratton.
Common Land Long Stratton South Norfolk Norfolk Verge located south of Wood Green, 1.75 km SE of Long Stratton.
Common Land Morning Thorpe South Norfolk Norfolk Road verges at Morningthorpe Green, 2.5 km SE of Long Stratton.
Common Land Shelton South Norfolk Norfolk Sited along minor road in Shelton, 2.75 km SE of Long Stratton.
Fritton Common Morning Thorpe South Norfolk Norfolk Located south of Fritton, 2.5 km east of Long Stratton.
Wacton Common Wacton South Norfolk Norfolk Located 1 km S.E. of Wacton, 1.5 km S.W. of Long Stratton.
Common Land Long Preston Craven North Yorkshire Located along Long Preston Brook, on edge of Long Preston.
Land near Long Morton Institute. Long Marton Eden Cumbria Located in Long Marton, 4.2kms N.N.W. of Appleby-in-Westmorland
Two pieces of land adjoining Station View, Long Marton. Long Marton Eden Cumbria Located in Long Marton, 4.5 kms N.W. of Appleby-in-Westmorland.
Land either side of A 134, Long Melford. Long Melford Babergh Suffolk Adjacent to bridge over Chad Brook on A 134, Long Melford.
Land at Long Wittenham Long Wittenham South Oxfordshire Oxfordshire Located at Clifton Lock, north of Long Wittenham.
Part of Plot No. 474, Long Melford. Long Melford Babergh Suffolk Located along A 134 on the northern edge of Long Melford.
Seventeen pieces of land at Hall Street, Long Melford. Long Melford Babergh Suffolk Pieces of verge located along A 134 in Long Melford.
Land either side of A 1092 and B 1066, Long Melford. Long Melford Babergh Suffolk Roadside verges located west of Long Melford.
Land either side of High Street, Long Melford. Long Melford Babergh Suffolk Verges along A 134 between Long Melford and Bridge Street.
Land along B 1066, Long Melford. Long Melford Babergh Suffolk Verges located on B 1066 between Long Melford and Stanstead.
Common Land Long Preston Craven North Yorkshire Located along B 6478 at Mill Bridge, SW of Long Preston.
Land in Westgate Lane Long Melford Babergh Suffolk Roadside verge located along A 1092, on NW edge of Long Melford
The Pond and Common Pit Long Sutton South Holland Lincolnshire Located on A 17(T) on the S.E. edge of Long Sutton.
Land in Bull Lane Long Melford Babergh Suffolk Verge located between Long Melford and Acton Place.
Lower End Green Long Crendon Aylesbury Vale Buckinghamshire On both sides of B4011,in NW corner of Long Crendon.
Reedy Pond Long Sutton Hart Hampshire Located 2.5 kms SE of Long Sutton, 8.5 kms WSW of Farnham.
Land adjacent to public highway opposite Police Station Green Long Melford Babergh Suffolk Adjacent to the bridge over Chad Brook on A 134, Long Melford.

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